My daily life
Hi, I'm Kaho.
I am a freshman at Hiroshima University. I belong to the volleyball club. I live in "SHITAMI" nearby "YOUMETOWN".I have a part-time job at Kawaijuku in Hiroshima city.Mainly I have classes at University until 16:00.
After class, when there are no club activities , I usually have a part-time job. I go to Kawaijuku by bicycle , train and walking. I take about 30 minutes by bicycle from the university to Saijo station. Then, I take the train to Hiroshima station for 40 minutes. Finally , I walk from the station to Kawaijuku for about 5 minutes. Three times a week I go to part-time job that takes about 3 hours round trip. So, I'm very tired that day because I'm going home at 23:30. To make matters worse , the next day's class will be face-to-face from 8:45. I can't get enough sleep.
After class, when there are no part-time job , I have to go to club activities. I am a volleyball manager. Originally I liked watching volleyball and want to do some exercise in college so I joined the club.
From this blog ,you may think I'm a busy person. Yes, everyday I have many many schedule, but I am doing what I like .Sometimes I try too hard and get tired , but I want to have fulfilling university life while taking a proper break.
Thank you for reading.
Hi Kaho... This is a nice start to your blog.
返信削除Online classes using Zoom are better than classrooms! 🙃
Try to write A LOT in your blog this year about things that you like! If you do, your English writing skills will improve!
Sincerely, Joe Lauer
Hi, I`m Kazuki.
返信削除I have a part time job too at convenience store . It is so busy to understand a lot of thing .
Also, I`m working from Am 1:00 to Am 6:00 . It is tired so I understand your feeling.
Let`s do our best together.
Thank you for comment.
削除Wow, you work at midnight? Maybe it's so hard for me . The next day when you work , can you get up ??
Please be careful not to get sick.
You wrote nothing this week? 😞